
Report 3: Making the UK more successful through better regulation

Report uncovers a £143bn regulatory burden on businesses New reports published by the Growth Commission lay bare the staggering true cost of Government regulation to businesses well in excess of the Government’s original assessment of £14.3bn. According to the report, costs on businesses from regulations imposed since 2015, could have a negative regulatory impact of […]

Report 2: The Impact of Regulation on Economic Growth

Report uncovers a £143bn regulatory burden on businesses New reports published by the Growth Commission lay bare the staggering true cost of Government regulation to businesses well in excess of the Government’s original assessment of £14.3bn. According to the report, The Impact of Regulation on Economic Growth, costs on businesses from regulations imposed since 2015, […]

Inaugural Report: The Growth Challenge

The UK and other developed economies are experiencing crises of economic growth which have been building in recent decades, and which threaten to undermine the progress made on quality of life for millions over the past century. The best way of comparing economic growth between different countries is to look at GDP per capita and […]